History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Wisconsin - Businesses - Bars and Clubs

Ad, April 1975
(GPU News, April 1975 issue)
Ad, January 1976
(GPU News, Jan. 1976 issue)
Ad, February 1979
(Milw. Calendar, vol 2 issue 26)
Ad, May 1979
(Milw. Calendar, vol 2 issue 33)
Ad, July 1979
(Milw. Calendar, vol 2 issue 38)
Ad, May 1980
(Milw. Calendar, vol 3 issue 11)
Christmas, 1984
(InStep vol 1 issue 16)
Ad, September 1985
(InStep vol 2 issue 19)
Ad, February, 1987
(InStep vol 4 issue 3)

Ad, 17th Anniversary, Dec. 1991

Ad, June 1993
Owner John Clayton:
Dancers and Drag, June 1993
Lisa Starr Benefit, 1996
Exterior of bar, May 2004
Flyer for Last Dance, May 2008

Credits: web site concept, page design and format by Don Schwamb.
Last updated: December-2009.

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